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Closing Conference


The Closing National PROMEHS conference was organized and implemented by the PROMEHS project team for Croatia, with the support of the Faculty of Teacher Education at the University of Rijeka, the Department of the City Administration for Education of the City of Rijeka, and the Department of Education of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. 

The first part of the Closing National PROMEHS Conference was held online, on January 28th, 2022, from 1 to 4 p.m.

The aim of the first part of the conference was to present the PROMEHS curriculum, its implementation and evaluation, and to discuss the possibilities of its sustainability. The conference was opened by the PROMEHS project manager for Croatia, prof. dr. sc. Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić, and all participants (173 in total) were greeted by representatives of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka, the University of Rijeka, the Government of the Republic of Croatia, the City of Rijeka, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, and the National Agency for Education. After introductory speeches by representatives of various institutions and representatives of educational policies, two plenary lectures were held: a lecture on project results that showed a significant positive effect of PROMEHS curriculum on the mental health of children and youth and teachers with synergy achieved by the academic community, practitioners, and representatives of educational policies, which was held by prof. PhD. Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić, and a lecture on the possibilities of building your own resilience, which was given by prof. PhD. Majda Rijavec.

Within the lecture of prof. Tatalović Vorkapić was also shown a video that shows the qualitative background of the project and the positive statements of the teachers who conducted the PROMEHS curriculum. After the lecture, a panel discussion was held with representatives of educational policies from the local community, the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education, the National Agency for Education, the Croatian Office of UNICEF, the Croatian Institute of Public Health, and university.

During the conference, all active participants stressed the importance of promoting mental health in kindergartens and schools and congratulated on the success of the project in 32 educational institutions in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. Participants of the panel discussion, each from their own aspect, highlighted and discussed the importance of mental health of children and youth in the educational context, especially in the context of the current coronary virus pandemic, and the possibility of systematic implementation of PROMEHS curricula in kindergartens and schools. Given the significant positive results of the PROMEHS curriculum on the mental health of children and youth and educators, the conclusion of the panel discussion is that the introduction of PROMEHS curriculum as a universal prevention program in all kindergartens and schools in Croatia will be supported by the Croatian Ministry of Science and education. With this in mind, the PROMEHS project manager for Croatia will launch a lifelong learning program at the Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka, and after completing the necessary training, all interested teachers will be able to implement the PROMEHS curriculum in their institutions.

Download the conference program

Dowload the presention by Majda Rijavec

The second part of the conference was organized with the aim of handing out certificates of appreciation, certificates, gadgets, and additional PROMEHS materials to all principals of kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, and teachers who implemented PROMEHS activities. It was held live, according to epidemiological measures on January 31st, 2022 at the Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka in cooperation with the Department of the City Administration for Education of the City of Rijeka. This part of the conference aimed to express gratitude for the openness to contemporary and quality programs to strengthen the well-being of children and youth and teachers, as well as gratitude for the cooperation achieved during the last two years of the project.

Live monitoring of closing online conference was enabled via the you-tube channel, and the link for monitoring was delivered to all institutions for early and preschool education, primary and secondary schools in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, University of Rijeka, education policy makers in Croatia, and other relevant bodies and institutions at the regional and national level, and 50 reviews were recorded. The end of the project and the conclusions of the online conference were presented in the daily news show PlanetRi on Rijeka's KanalRi television, which you can watch here.

Video of the PROMEHS Croatian Closing Conference

Convegno di Apertura

Il 14 ottobre 2020, il team PROMEHS croato ha organizzato una conferenza nazionale di apertura online, per sensibilizzare sull'importanza della promozione della salute mentale negli asili e nelle scuole.


17 partecipanti attivi alla conferenza hanno contribuito in modo significativo: membri del progetto PROMEHS dalla Croazia, rappresentanti dell'Università di Fiume e della Facoltà di formazione degli insegnanti di Fiume, rappresentanti del Dipartimento dell'istruzione e della scuola della città di Fiume, i consulenti principali e senior dell'istruzione e dell'Agenzia per la formazione degli insegnanti, rappresentanti del Ministero della scienza e dell'istruzione, del Ministero del lavoro e del sistema pensionistico, della famiglia e delle politiche sociali, dell'ufficio dell'UNICEF per la Croazia, dei rappresentanti dell'Istituto croato di sanità pubblica e dei membri della comunità accademica che, come esperti nel campo dei programmi di apprendimento e prevenzione sociale ed emozionale nel nostro Paese, hanno tenuto conferenze plenarie.

Tutti hanno evidenziato e discusso l'importanza della salute mentale nei bambini e nei giovani nel contesto educativo, e in particolare nel contesto dell'attuale pandemia di Corona Virus. Uno dei valori di questa conferenza è che il tema della salute mentale e della sua importanza è stato discusso da membri di tre diversi settori la cui cooperazione e sinergia reciproca incide direttamente sulla qualità del sistema educativo: membri della comunità accademica, membri del sistema educativo e decisori politici.

Il giorno della conferenza è stato attivato lo streaming live tramite YouTube e più di 300 persone hanno partecipato all'evento.

Comunicati stampa


Sito web Università di Rijeka · 12-05-2019

Međunarodni znanstveni, istraživački i stručni projekti

Sito web comune di Rijeka · 12-05-2019

PROMEHS – Promocija mentalnoga zdravlja u školama

Croatian promotional video

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